Tag: quick lunch

Red cabbage soup.

Red cabbage soup

Oh nooooo, the winter is really coming! There are only a few leaves still hanging on the trees, the wind and the sun are fighting who is stronger. But no worries. Here comes a great solution on how to stay warm in winter. Try out this delicious red cabbage soup. It will warm up not […]

Tagliatelle with zucchini ragĂč.
Pasta, rice & co.

Tagliatelle with zucchini ragĂč

Tagliatelle with zucchini ragĂč is one of those easy recipes that you can make at any time and in no time. Some time ago, I made them with asparagus. But since it isn’t the asparagus season anymore, I chose zucchini. Why I chose tagliatelle? I simply love this egg pasta. The long and flat strips […]

Ribeye steak.

Ribeye steak

Like always, I went shopping for groceries. I love to shop for food, rather than clothes. Hehehe. However, I didn’t have an idea about what I would be eating that day. Yeah, sometimes I get inspired only when I see it. So, I was wandering around the shelves of fresh vegetables and fruits, pasta and […]

Carrot ginger soup.

Carrot ginger soup

Look at this amazing and healthy carrot ginger soup. You just have to love its warm autumn colour. Besides the looks, it is also rich in flavour and vitamins. The latter comes very handy before cold winter days. Carrots are a great source of beta-carotene, vitamin K, potassium and antioxidants. No wonder they are claimed […]

Roasted lemon-garlic cabbage.
Hot oven, Salads

Roasted lemon-garlic cabbage

Roasted lemon-garlic cabbage is an elegant way how to prepare this humble and simple vegetable. Cabbage, either green, white or red, is very versatile. Besides being a great ingredient for summer salads and summer rolls, it is also an amazing vegetable for all autumn and winter season.

Chickpea-date beef bowl.

Chickpea-date beef bowl

Hello, my dear food lovers. I have a great recipe for you; a chickpea-date beef bowl. This is an easy and quick dish to prepare for lunch or for a week dinner. Besides the beef and the sweet dates, you also have the creamy chickpeas, aromatic garlic, crunchy bell-pepper and fresh parsley.

Sausage party skewers.
Happy snacks, Meat

Sausage party skewers

Since I’ve done the “Currywurst tour” I got new ideas how to use the sausages (by sausages I mean hot-dog/Vienna sausages). What do you think of this sausage party skewers recipe? Combined with zucchini and carrots strips it looks just fantastic!

Vegetable summer rolls.
Happy snacks, Salads

Vegetable summer rolls

Vegetable summer rolls are so amazing either as a snack or a complete meal. They are loaded with fresh, raw and crunchy vegetables. And they come along with a delicious, “finger licking” sauce. Making them can be intimidating at first, but they are surprisingly easy to make at home.

Broccoli pancake pizza.
Happy snacks, Hot oven

Broccoli pancake pizza

Did you run out of ideas about what to prepare for dinner or lunch? Check out this super-easy broccoli pancake pizza. The dish looks like a pizza (more like pizza bianca) but tastes like a pancake. Making pancakes is something we all love. And it takes no time to make them. What is the most […]

Mediterranean gnocchi salad
Pasta, rice & co., Salads

Mediterranean gnocchi salad

Would you like to prepare an impressive dish in a matter of minutes? Then try this simple, but delicious Mediterranean gnocchi salad. Like you can see, it has an unexpected twist with the addition of gnocchi. I love salads. You can serve them as a side dish to any meat, fish or burger. However, this […]

Chicken tortilla wrap.
Happy snacks, Meat

Chicken tortilla wrap

I love Mexican food and I get inspired by it quite often. There is so much to choose from; nachos, tortillas, salsas, tacos, margaritas and moles (just to mention a few). Viva Mexico! So many flavours and a big variety of dishes. Don’t you just want all? Hehehe. However, this time I picked chicken tortilla […]

Sweet mango purée yoghurt.
Desserts, Happy snacks, Soups

Sweet mango purée yoghurt

Try this easy to follow sweet mango purĂ©e yoghurt. Not only is it easy and quick to make but it’s also healthy and delicious. Mango is a very versatile fruit; perfect for salads, fruit salads, goes great with meat and fish and it fits in every dessert.