Tag: quick lunch

Superpower salad

Superpower salad

Time for another great salad recipe. We were really committed to the green week. At day two we were excited how to improve the ā€œsalad recipeā€. We upgraded theĀ salad recipeĀ big time. This time we didnā€™t use any green salad. All the ingredients go perfectly together and the dressing makes the flavour pop out even more. […]

Meatballs with zucchini and figs

Feta cheese meatballs with zucchini and figs

Meatballs, as the word says itself, are made out of meat and come in a shape of a ball. Meatballs are minced meat plus spices. During decades different ingredients were added to the recipe. There are hundreds of varieties of meatballs nowadays; you can add an egg, bread crumbles, onion, garlic, butter, anything you think […]

Tomato salad with nectarine

Tomato salad with nectarine

Finally, the summer has also reached Hamburg. Fantastic 30Ā°C outside. All the water and the green around Hamburg helps to stay cool and fresh. In the really warm days I donā€™t like to sweat in the kitchen around the hot pots and in the steamy clouds. Who likes that? So we have the lakes and […]