Here are the ingredients for 2 chicken cheese baguette portions:
- 300 g chicken (we bought chicken medallions)
- 1 baguette
- 1 garlic clove (half for the baguette, half for the dip)
- 3 eggs
- 5 Tbsp of flour
- 250 g bread crumbs
- 2 Tbsp Espelette pepper
- 150 ml olive oil or sunflower oil
- 250 g mozzarella (that’s 2 packages)
- 1 Tbsp of butter (soft)
- 1 tsp parsley
We divided the work; my boyfriend took the baguette and I took the chicken. How to bread the chicken? It can be dirty and slow, but I will tell you how I do it. Take three bowls or deep plates. In the first put the flour, in the second the eggs (whisk them well) and in the last bread crumbs. I mixed some Espelette pepper with the bread crumbs. Espelette pepper is a chilli pepper that is replacing the black pepper, especially in France. I thought it would give the chicken a nice aroma and colour.

Let’s get busy. First, dip each piece of chicken into the flour. Then take the chicken from the flour plate with one hand and dip it into the egg. The egg should cover all the chicken’s surface. Then place the chicken in the bread crumbs plate. Now here use your other hand to cover the chicken with the crumbs. Press well on both sides. With this system you won’t have both hands dipped in egg and bread crumbs; consequently, you will get only three dirty fingers. You can also use a fork if you wish.
When done with all the pieces, take the frying pan, put in the oil and start frying the chicken. Especially relevant is to see if the oil is hot enough by sticking a toothpick in it. If you see small bubbles around the toothpick, then it is ready. The chicken takes ca 4 minutes on each side. When it gets the golden brown colour place it on a paper towel to absorb the oil.

Furthermore, take the baguette and cut it into 4 equal pieces. Take a smaller knife and hollow out the insides. You can keep the insides of the baguette for some other recipe because it is a shame throwing the food away. So now we have the baguette and the breaded chicken. It is time to preheat the oven to 180 °C. We are still missing the mozzarella. Slice it in ca 3 mm thin slices. Take a piece of the baguette and start placing in the chicken and mozzarella. You can do it like layers or you can wrap the chicken in the mozzarella slice and then push into the baguette. So, do whatever it’s easier for you. Repeat this with all four pieces.
Take a piece of aluminium foil and place the four pieces on it, or do two and two. Chop the garlic clove and the parsley thinly. Mix everything with the softened butter. One spoon of butter it’s enough for the whole baguette. You can use either butter or Ghee. Simply spread it on the top of the bread and in addition to that, sprinkle some more cheese over it. Take the sides of the foil and wrap it around the baguette. I fold it on top, leaving 1 cm space between the buttery side and the foil. And finally, put in the oven for 15 -20 minutes.

The chicken cheese baguette needs a dip:
- 3 garlic cloves (plus the half from earlier)
- 1 Tsp of olive oil
- 3 Tsp of chilli mango sauce (already made)
- 1 red onion
- 1 ripe tomato
In a small pan preheat the olive oil. Chop the onion and garlic and put them in the pan. Cut the tomato into 1-2 cm cubes and add to the pan after 3 minutes. Put in the chilli mango sauce and stir for 30 seconds. Remove from the heat.
In conclusion, after the baguette is done take it out of the oven, place it on a cutting board and unwrap. With a knife cut each piece into thirds. You can serve the chicken cheese baguette right on the cutting board with the dip in a small bowl on a side.

I enjoyed every bite of it. We both enjoyed this crazy chicken cheese baguette. In conclusion, I must say that it was definitely not a one-time recipe. Hope you’ll try it too. Maybe with your own variations. Enjoy!