Updates on PassionSpoon

Hi! I created this page to keep you informed on all the updates and changes that happen on my website.

Update on June 15th 2020

I just added a new block on my blog. At the bottom of every post, there is a subscription form, to make your subscription even easier and to never miss a recipe. 🙂

Join 1,570 other subscribers

Update on April 8th 2020

Hi. Finally, I took the next step by changing to a new theme and a new logo. After some months of looking for a cute, simple and elegant theme, I found it. It’s called Foodica. I am still learning all the features this theme offers. Therefore, please bear with me if something is not quite as it should be. Wink.

Moreover, I’ve been designing my logo for quite some time. It was quite challenging to combine the right symbol, colour and font. BUT, in the end, I made it. I hope you will like it. Oh, I created it using Inkscape.

My new logo, was created with Inkscape.

Update on August 3rd 2019

NEW! NEW! I want to introduce you to the new addition to my blog. From now on you can find a big button (like the one below here) on almost every page. Why almost? It will take some time to add it to every single recipe post. Have patience with me. Wink.

Clicking on it, it will take you directly to the ingredients and to the recipe. However, you are more than welcome to read everything that I want to tell you in a single post. Wink.

Update on July 3rd 2019

Since my first posts are quite old, I am slowly updating all of them. The keyword is slowly. Wink. We all know, how it is when you start a blog. At first, you are new, searching for tips and things, BUT with years you get more experienced and see what and how you can improve. With every update, I will stick the post at the top of my blog for a couple of weeks.

Update on February 16th 2019

Update by comment section; you can leave a comment by filling in your detail, which takes a minute or so (and as explained in PassionSpoon’s Privacy Policy, your email will never be published). I understand you don’t want “losing” your time and now there is a faster way. With a simple click, you can now log in with your Facebook, Twitter, Google or WordPress account. How cool is that? Wink.

Update on February 15th 2019

Since Google is shutting down Google+, I already removed it from my website. Apparently, there was low usage of it and maintaining a successful product was too challenging. On April 2nd will Google+ definitely shut down. But life goes on, isn’t it? He he he. We still have Social Media like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep us “busy”.

Update on February 12th 2019

There is a new add-on after every post. You can find it at the bottom of each post. Basically, it says how to mention my website when you share or make the recipe, where to share it and to follow. And it looks like this:

If you like the recipe, if you make the recipe or if you have any new ideas on how to improve or change it, let me know in the comments section below or alternatively share your photos and reactions with me on Instagram (@Passionspoon), Facebook or Twitter (@PassionSpoon1). Simply use the hashtag #passionspoon in your posts. I would love to see them! (wink)

Lately, I changed completely the whole “quick general finder” as well. I made it more suitable for my site, and more straightforward. So that you can clearly see what are you looking for.

avocado bacon baking recipes beef bread cake cheese chicken chocolate crunchy nuts dessert recipes easy recipes egg fish recipes FOODball great recipes Halloween recipes healthy recipes holiday recipes meat recipes oven recipes paleo recipes passionspoon recipes pasta and rice recipes pasta recipes pastry recipes pork potato pumpkin quick lunch quick recipes recipes with fruits rice recipes salad recipes sausage smoothie bowl snacks recipes soup recipes summer recipes sweet recipes tomato valentines recipes vegan recipes vegetarian recipes zucchini

Update on January 16th 2019

You all know my logo by now. I created it with the help of Logo Graphic Design by Logomakr (with the free option). Still, I wanted something self-created, therefore I changed or better say draw it myself. It wasn’t easy at all. But, using the Inkscape program made it a little bit easier. You will notice that I slightly changed the design and added some nice red and yellow flames. However, I haven’t changed it everywhere. On the older photos will stay the old logo. Also regarding the logo on the rest of the blog, I am going to change it step by step.