These delicious coconut rum truffle cakes come with three different coatings; chocolate, coconut and hazelnut. A great treat.

Coconut rum cake truffles

Coconut rum cake truffles are a perfect dessert, made with vanilla sponge cake, oats, coconut, rum and some cocoa. Some are coated with dark chocolate, some with shredded coconut flakes and others with ground hazelnuts. They make a wonderful party treat or movie snack, to totally satisfy your cravings.

Call them truffles, call them bites or balls. It doesn’t really matter. Whatever you call them, they are absolutely delicious and well-loved.

Why should you ever discard anything that tastes delicious? No way! Let’s make something out of it. For example, these coconut rum cake truffles. Yummy. I love these cute small treats. In fact, they totally satisfy “the little sweet monster in me” in just one bite. Or two. Wink.

Additionally, you don’t get just one type of cake truffle. Yes, these cake truffles come in three different looks. More, some are dipped in pure dark chocolate, some are coated with shredded coconut and others are coated in ground hazelnuts. More, to get the coconut and ground hazelnut stick on the truffles, I used my homemade raspberry jam. This thin layer of jam gives a lovely fruity note.

1001 cake truffles

The great thing about this recipe is, you can be very creative, as for the topping and by choosing the cake truffle flavour. In fact, you can make them with any type of cake, add buttercreams, nuts, fruit juices or some booze. Of course, you can make them alcohol-free, too, so that also kids can enjoy them.

Also, if you like these cake truffles, you’ll love this beautiful and delicious raspberry vanilla poppy seed layered cake, this tropical rum cocktail and these apricot-nut energy bars. All different, but all delicious and a real eye-catcher. Wink.

A coconut coated cake truffle in the focus. Chocolate and hazelnut varieties in the background.
Coconut rum cake truffle coated with coconut.

If you can resist them (let me know how), I suggest storing them in an airtight container in the fridge. Also, I wouldn’t recommend freezing them, as they wouldn’t look so beautiful anymore. Probably the flavour would change a bit, too.

Ingredients for 13-15 coconut rum cake truffles:

  • about 200 g sponge cake (or any cake leftover)
  • 4 shortcrust cookies
  • 1 Tbsp of cocoa
  • 3 Tbsp of shredded coconut (plus for topping)
  • 2-3 Tbsp of oats
  • 40 ml Malibu rum
  • 20 ml coconut milk (from a can)
  • 1-2 Tbsp of raspberry jam (or any other fruit)
  • 250-300 g dark chocolate
  • ground hazelnuts for coating

To begin, crumble the cake leftovers in a mixing bowl or directly in a food processor. Then, add the shortcrust cookies, oats, cocoa, shredded coconut and Malibu. Blitz for 15 seconds.

At this point, start adding the coconut milk a bit at a time until you reach the right consistency. You are looking for a bit wet but not too sticky and not too dry consistency. When you make a ball, it should keep its shape and stay together.

Once you’ve achieved this, slightly wet your hands and roll about 3 cm large balls out of the mixture. Place the balls on parchment paper and put them in the fridge to chill for a couple of hours.

Furthermore, prepare the toppings, whisk the jam and melt the dark chocolate over a water bath. Divide the cake truffles into three groups.

Three cake truffles – chocolate, coconut and hazelnuts

Firstly, I made the chocolate cake truffles. Place each cake truffle on a fork and dip it in the melted chocolate to cover. (You can also stick a toothpick in each truffle and then coat it with chocolate. The chocolate will cover any trace of the small hole.) Then, gently tap the fork to let the excess chocolate drip off and place them on parchment paper. Sprinkle with some toppings (for example ground hazelnuts and shredded coconut) and allow to dry.

Secondly, I continued with the coconut coat. Gently brush each cake truffle with raspberry jam and roll it in the shredded coconut flakes. Place them on the parchment paper.

Cake truffles make a great treat. They can be covered with dark chocolate, shredded coconut or ground hazelnuts.
Three types of cake truffles- chocolate, coconut and hazelnut.

And last but not least, I finished with the hazelnut-coated cake truffles. Again, brush the remaining cake truffles with the raspberry jam and roll them in ground hazelnuts. Place them on the parchment paper.

Keep the coconut rum cake truffles on your kitchen counter for a couple of hours, before you store them in the fridge.

In conclusion, surprise your friends with these dreamy coconut rum cake truffles at a birthday party or just like that. A nice cocktail pairs wonderfully with this treat.


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