Currywurst is the most famous fast food snack in Germany. The crunchy sausage combined with a delicious homemade curry sauce, either mild or spicy for the brave, with traditional fries or a small Brötchen (bread bun) and some mayo on a side it’s a must-try when in Germany.
The current football World Cup Champion, Germany, is again playing in this tournament and defending the title. Let me ask you something. What do you think of when you think of Germany? What are the biggest stereotypes talking about food? Beer, potatoes, schnitzel, pretzel and sausages, right? Well, here I will talk about the Currywurst.
Yes, I know, it’s fast food, but it’s also a cult. I live now in Hamburg for more than three years and I realised that I’ve never written any recipe for the Currywurst. So, it’s about time, I would say. The original one comes from Berlin, but Hamburg is famous for the Currywurst as well.
If you are asking yourself what is a wurst, well it’s simply a sausage. Maybe simply isn’t the right word. In fact, there are many different sausages you can use for a Currywurst. But more about which ones I picked for this recipe, a little bit further on in the recipe.
So, what is more important when talking about Currywurst; a good sausage or a great curry sauce? I tried many sauces and sausages. They all tasted different but good. And after all these tastings, I finally decided to make a curry sauce myself.
By the way, a Currywurst is not a sausage made with curry, but it’s a sausage with curry sauce on top. Enough talking and let’s get busy! I am getting hungry!
Ingredients for 2-4 portions of Currywurst:
- 2 Bratwursts (that’s the original sausage used for the Currywurst, “brat” means to fry)
- 2 Knackwursts (another type of sausage, the name “knack” means snap and it comes from the crack sound when you bite in it)
- 1 tsp of coriander seeds (must always be cooked)
- 2 tsp tomato paste
- 200 ml sieved tomato sauce
- 4 Tbsp apple sauce
- 1 tsp smoked paprika
- 1 tsp sweet paprika
- 3 tsp curry powder
- 1 tsp turmeric
- olive oil
I first prepared the curry sauce. In a pan place the coriander seeds and drizzle some oil. Keep stirring for two minutes. You can crush the seeds before, but I prefer them like that, crunchy. Moreover, add the tomato paste, tomato and applesauce. The applesauce will give a great fruity and sweet flavour to the curry sauce.
Cook for 2 minutes and then add the sweet and smoked paprika, turmeric and last but not least curry powder. Cook for another 5 minutes on medium heat. Remember, you can experiment and create your own curry sauce.
Furthermore, take a frying pan and when it gets hot, place in the sausages. Keep turning them, so that they get a nice “grilled-brown” colour all around. It will take about 8-10 minutes.

And guess what?! You are ready to eat! Most of the times (that’s 99%) you’ll get some French fries with ketchup or mayo next to the Currywurst. But you can also serve it alone or either with potato salad or a small bread bun. Most important thing; never forget to put the delicious curry sauce on top of the sausage and to sprinkle with some extra curry powder. Enjoy it as a perfect snack for the World Cup.
Guten Appetit!
P.S.: It’s been four days of the World Cup now. Check out these amazing dishes from Italy, Russia and Peru.