Egg stuffed meatloaf cut into 2 cm thick slices.

Egg stuffed meatloaf

This moist and tender meatloaf isn’t just any meatloaf. This egg stuffed meatloaf is delicious, it makes a great family lunch or dinner and it comes with a lovely surprise, in a form of hard-boiled eggs, inside. Even though the recipe is really simple, the looks of the egg stuffed meatloaf will make your table look even more festive.

Probably you all know what meatloaf is. A meatloaf is simply ground meat (any meat you like most) formed into a loaf shape and baked. When I hear meatloaf, I think of the USA or the singer. Wink. However, meatloaf is famous all around the world. Probably each country has its own variation and a different name for it.

For instance, egg stuffed meatloaf in Slovenia is called “Stefanie meatloaf” (Štefani pecenka), in Italy, they call it “polpettone” and my favourite is the German name; they call it “fake rabbit” (Falscher Hase). Wink. To sum up, different countries name the same dish after different things, persons or legends.

Egg stuffed meatloaf is a rustic dish, which you can serve on plenty of occasions. For instance, you can prepare it for Saint Martin’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Easter Holidays, Christmas, New Year’s Eve or you can make it just because you crave for it. Wink. This egg stuffed meatloaf will always be the highlight of your dinner or lunch.

How to make a juicy and tender meatloaf

Maybe it seems like a boring dish, but it’s everything but that. Yes, it’s simple, made with a few ingredients, yet packed with flavours and with a wow effect. Also, to get a really tender and juicy meatloaf, incorporate some panko crumbs and zucchini.

In order to reach a moist and tender meatloaf, use panko and zucchini.
What makes a meatloaf tender and juicy? The answer is panko crumbs and zucchini.

“Oh, but that’s a lot of work”, you’ll say. No, it isn’t. Making an egg stuffed meatloaf is really easy and quick. The only down point is that you need to wait an hour for it to be baked. He he he. But, come on, it is totally worth it!

You will love the result! I love the eggy surprise hiding wrapped in meat. That’s the reason why I like Scotch eggs, too. Both meatloaf and Scotch eggs are fun to make and to eat. In addition, I suggest making it one day ahead. As a result, the egg stuffed meatloaf will be more stable and cutting it will be easy and smooth.

Ingredients for about 4-5 servings of egg stuffed meatloaf:

  • 4 boiled eggs
  • a splash of vinegar
  • 500 g minced beef meat (any other meat will work too)
  • 120 g panko breadcrumbs or old bread
  • 50-70 ml milk
  • 1 red onion (chopped)
  • 2 garlic cloves (sliced)
  • 1 Tbsp of sweet paprika
  • half of a zucchini (grated)
  • half a bunch of cilantro
  • salt and pepper
  • 200 ml vegetable stock (also beef or chicken)
  • olive oil
  • 4 small potatoes (optional)

Start with boiling the eggs. In a smaller pot place the eggs, add a splash of vinegar and pour in the cold water, just enough to cover the eggs. When the water starts boiling, remove the pot from the heat, cover it with a lid and leave the eggs to sit in the water for 10 minutes. Then, peel the eggs and leave them to cool down.

In the meantime, quickly sauté the chopped onion and garlic with one spoon of olive oil. Once the onion turns glossy and the garlic is soft, put aside to cool down. At the same time, mix the panko crumbs with milk (cold or warm).

Then, in a larger bowl, combine the meat, salt, pepper, chopped cilantro, grated zucchini, paprika, panko crumbs, sautéed onions and garlic. Now, using your hands, mix until well combined. Keep squeezing the meat mixture through your fingers until you see the meat texture to change. It will turn into a paste-like texture.

Before you start forming the meatloaf, preheat the oven to 180º C. Then, form a loaf (or transfer the meat mixture directly in the loaf pan) and transfer it to a baking dish. With your hands, make a split lengthwise in the middle of the loaf and place the boiled eggs in it.

Egg from the first to the last slice of the meatloaf

In addition, try to push the first and the last egg as far towards the end of the loaf as possible. Consequently, every slice will be perfect. Even who gets the first and the last slice will enjoy the egg in the middle of it, too. At this point, push the meat back together, trying to cover all of the eggs.

Every slice of the meatloaf has a lovely egg in the middle.
What a lovely surprise; it’s an egg!

Once you are satisfied with the loaf shape, pour the vegetable stock around it and put to bake on the middle rack for about 1 hour. Meanwhile, you can prepare any side you like. For example, you can make potatoes, mashed potatoes, fresh green salad, green beans or grilled vegetables.

When the egg stuffed meatloaf is ready, turn on the grill function for one last minute. A crispy crust is guaranteed. Wink. In order to make the loaf more stable (unless you are making it a day ahead), wrap it into aluminium foil and let it rest for 15 minutes.

Finally, serve the egg stuffed meatloaf for this December Holidays. Surprise your family and friends with this wonderful, simple, rustic and really tasty dish. Serve a slice or two along with some potatoes, green vegetables or some horseradish dip.



If you like the recipe, if you make the recipe or if you have any new ideas how to improve or change it, let me know in the comments section below or alternatively share your photos and reactions with me on Instagram (@Passionspoon), Facebook or Twitter (@PassionSpoon1). Simply use the hashtag #passionspoonrecipes in your posts. I would love to see them! (wink)

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