Green curry chicken livers is a wonderful meal rich in protein, iron and a range of vitamins. Tender and creamy livers with homemade green curry paste and a slight touch of coconut bring this dish to another level.
Green curry chicken livers is a combination of one of my childhood dishes and a flavourful Asian curry. Now, before you say “yuck” to the liver, give it a chance and keep reading. You will be surprised how fabulous it tastes. And, maybe someone (even if just one single person) will start to like chicken livers. Wink.
As far as I remember, I always liked chicken liver. My mother usually made them with sautéed onions and mashed potatoes. Superb! And I don’t know why I haven’t made them for such a long time. Probably it’s been more than 25 years! That’s definitely too long! In order to improve my health and my iron level, I discovered my love for chicken liver again.
It is a shame many people don’t like livers. In fact, besides being delicious they are also rich in iron, vitamins A and B and zinc. Prepare the chicken livers on an occasional basis to give your blood cells a little boost. Moreover, prepare the green curry version (check the recipe for the homemade curry paste in the ingredients list) and you will be amazed how the spiciness of the curry and the creaminess of chicken liver go together. Delicious!
Oh yes, when well seared on the outside, but still resistant and bouncy at the touch and still rosy inside, chicken livers become the creamiest thing ever. I would describe them as tender, creamy and flavourful. They should be well seared. This means the liver is still pink on the inside. Yummy!

Just before I get to the easy and quick recipe, I would like to give you a tip. This is for the ones who think livers have a strong iron flavour (which I don’t notice). In fact, I find the iron aftertastes by spinach is stronger. Wink. Anyway, some say you should soak them in milk to take out the bitter iron flavour. It is your choice. I didn’t soak them in anything. But that’s just my taste.
Also, cleaning livers properly is time-consuming, but totally worth doing it. That’s the key part to get tender livers. Therefore, make sure to remove all of the chewy veins and sinew or tendons. Put on some music to make the work more enjoyable. Wink.
Ingredients for 2-3 portions of green curry chicken livers:
- olive oil
- 300 g chicken liver (trimmed and cleaned)
- 140 g couscous
- 210 ml of boiling water
- 3-4 Tbsp of green curry paste (← recipe link)
- 80-100 ml of canned coconut milk
To begin, trim and clean the livers. Carefully remove the tendons and veins and tap dry with a paper towel. Then, in a medium bowl combine couscous and boiling water. Let the couscous soak for 5-8 minutes or until fluffy.
In the meantime, drizzle some olive oil in a medium pan. Once it gets hot, add the chicken livers in (in a single layer) and cook for 2-3 minutes. Then, flip them over, reduce the heat to medium-low, add two spoons of green curry paste and the coconut milk. Cook for 3 more minutes (for a tender and slightly pink on the inside).

Finally, stir the couscous with a fork, season with salt and nicely arrange it on the plate. Then top with the most tender livers and the lovely curry paste. For an even more intensive kick, add the rest of the green curry paste on the livers and some fresh coriander as well. Give it a try and let me know how you like these green curry chicken livers.