These cute monster jelly doughnuts are an amazing treat for upcoming Halloween. And Halloween is all about treats and sweets. A quick and easy colourful icing is a wonderful way to customize your jelly doughnuts. Purple, black and green make an entertaining and fun Halloween.
When thinking about what could be really cool for Halloween, we thought of doughnuts or better said jelly doughnuts. I’ve made jelly doughnuts before, using a great recipe, which I shared on my blog as well (check the link). Since the doughnut formula is already proofed, I decided to use the same recipe again and create some monsters using colourful icing and some candy eyes.
In one of my previous posts, I shared how to make fried jelly doughnuts. In this recipe, I used exactly the same ingredients and the same procedure. The only difference is, that I halved the amount.
Moreover, a simple decoration can make a plain doughnut a real eye-catcher. How to make your doughnut really shine like a star at your party? Make a colourful glaze, add a couple of candy eyes and create a monster. Buahahaha. Wink.
Design-wise you can really let your imagination go crazy. There are no rules about the monster’s looks. Wink. However, I decided for most classic ones, such as Dracula, Frankenstein and some purple eye monsters. I created everything only with icing and candy eyes. I love those eyes. They are so big and cute. You can find them in almost every supermarket or buy them directly online (you can find the link in the ingredients list).
How to make powdered sugar glaze
This is just perfect for the holiday season. A simple powdered sugar glaze recipe is a must-have in your baking repertoire. And it’s so easy and quick to make, too. All you need to do is put together two ingredients, add some colour or flavour and there you have a lovely sweet glaze.
There are plenty of ways how to make the sugar glaze. In fact, if you check on the internet you’ll be amazed and at the same time also a bit confused because of the number of different recipes. Some are cooked, some use milk, others are made with water, again some are made with cream.

Having said that, there are some simple ways to make a simple glaze. You can buy an already prepared Royal icing mixture from Fun Cakes (it’s not that expensive and it lasts for months) or simply use powder sugar. In order to get the right consistency, you have to add some liquid, either to Royal icing or powder sugar. Rather than water, cream or milk, I decided on lemon juice. That’s right. Fresh lemon juice. I thought the sugar is already so sweet that the lemon juice would be a nice contrast. And it worked. Oh, I used this icing formula also for my Christmas gingerbread brownies.
I know, Christmas has nothing to do with Halloween. Therefore, here are some Halloween treats for you: a five-layer marshmallow spider web cake, a colourful spider web roll cake, spooky zombie guts, a fruity cranberry punch, fun sweet cigarettes, delicious finger cookies or these cute mummies.
The powdered sugar glaze sets up in about 30 minutes. Also, for optimal drying of the glaze make sure that your doughnuts or any other baked goods are completely cooled before dipping them in or decorating them.
Ingredients for 6 -7 monster jelly doughnuts:
- 6-7 jelly doughnuts (for the whole recipe with steps check this link)
- about 200 g icing sugar or royal icing powder (divided according to the amount of each colour you are going to need)
- 1-2 lemons (juice)
- green, red, purple and black food colouring gel (from Wilton)
- 20-25 candy eyes
To begin, you need doughnuts or jelly doughnuts. Either jump to the link of the best homemade jelly doughnuts, follow your own recipe or simply cheat and buy some. Wink.
Then, prepare the icing. Prepare as many bowls as colours you are going to need. Also, divide the amount of sugar, based on how much of which colour you are going to need. I took most sugar for green and purple (for the base and deco), then some for black and a tiny bit for white.
Moreover, in each bowl, whisk together the icing sugar and enough lemon juice (adding one teaspoon at a time) to thin the glaze to your desired consistency for dipping and piping.
Once it transforms into a smooth icing, you can add the colour. Add your desired colours, by dipping the tip of a toothpick or wooden skewer in the colour and then in the icing. Keep adding and stirring until you get your desired colour.
Dipping and piping the sugar glaze
Furthermore, I suggest creating the base glaze first, let it set and then continue with the detailed decorations. For the Dracula or vampire, add a tip of a toothpick of purple to the sugar glaze, in order to get a light purple-pink colour. That’s the base colour. For the Frankenstein monster add the green until it transforms into a bright vivid green. And for the other monster doughnuts, simply add more purple to the pink glaze (if you mix it just halfway, you’ll get a lovely two-coloured glazed).

Then, one by one, dip the doughnuts into a glaze you like, lift it up and hold for a couple of seconds and let the excess drip off. Put the doughnuts (glaze side up of course) on a wire rack, add the candy eyes (the soft glaze will work as glue) and let the glaze harden.
When ready, start “drawing” the details. The best way is to use a piping bag with a thin piping tip. Alternatively, you can still use either a plastic bag for freezing the food and cut a tiny bit of a corner off or create one by folding a piece of parchment paper. Make sure to stir the glaze first and then you can start.
Last but not least, let the glaze harden and you are ready to take a bite. Enjoy these monster jelly doughnuts with your kids and friends on Halloween, a birthday party or anytime you want to have some fun.
Happy Halloween.