New York pastrami sandwich is classic yet incredibly delicious. It consists of sliced juicy pastrami, which is the real delicacy, and spicy brown mustard, placed in between two slices of sourdough bread. Some crunchy dill pickles on a side make it even more perfect.
Tonight is the night of the Oscars. This night we are all going to wait for our favourite actors, actresses and movies to win. We all know that the show lasts for hours and in order to survive through that, we need some snacks. Our plan is to make coconut popcorn, but the real star on the red carpet, with the nominee for the best remake, is going to be the New York pastrami sandwich.
Katz’s Delicatessen is the most famous pastrami deli in New York. It is also known to be seen in many famous movies. Probably the one that you all know is “When Harry met Sally.” If you will ever visit Katz’s you will be amazed. Already from the outside, you can notice big salamis hanging along with the whole window and a long queue starting outside the shop.
Moreover, when you enter, there is a neverending crowd of people, constantly moving, from the eight queues to the tables. Yeah, there are eight queues where you can order your favourite sandwich and a whole more different finger-licking things. Once you get your pastrami sandwich, make your way through the tables and simply sit wherever you see an empty space.
The atmosphere is unbelievable. All you hear are noises of satisfaction “mmmm”, “ohhh”, “omg”, “yummy”. Ha ha ha, sounds like something Meg Ryan would do. And of course, everyone is taking pictures of this incredibly tasteful, juicy New York pastrami sandwich. This sandwich and place are the Big Apple’s icon!
Furthermore, making pastrami is a very long process. It can take you about 5 weeks to get this amazing flavourful meat done. Therefore you have four choices; five weeks pastrami challenge (not ready yet, maybe I start next Monday), try to buy it at the butchers or order it directly from Katz’s. Yeah, they deliver worldwide! The fourth choice is to buy roast beef, which is the closest you can get to the pastrami. That’s what I did. There is no comparison to the real sandwich, but it is a pretty good remake.

On one hand, making the pastrami itself isn’t easy, on the other hand, making the pastrami sandwich is very simple. You have bread, some mustard and the pastrami. But there is a reason why; first, the pastrami is so freaking good that it doesn’t need anything else next to it and second, you don’t want to add too many flavours when the main ingredient you have is already fantastic!
Earlier I said “remake” because I couldn’t make the same, original pastrami sandwich. However, I did my best. Check it out, try it and let me know how you like it. Try to make this Oscar-winning New York pastrami sandwich right in your kitchen. It is easy and quick to prepare. The entire family will enjoy it.
Ingredients for 2 portions of New York pastrami sandwich:
- 4 slices of sourdough bread
- 400 g roast beef (pastrami)
- mustard
- pickles
Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
Take a baking tray and cover it with baking paper. Place the bread slices on the paper and put in the oven for 4 minutes. Then activate the grill function for 2 minutes.

Are you ready to build the great New York pastrami sandwich? Take the bread out of the oven. Place all four slices in front of you. Then, on two slices, spread the mustard (I was quite generous) and on the other two slices lay the juicy meat. In conclusion, place the two slices with mustard on the slices with pastrami.
Serve this legendary New York pastrami sandwich immediately, while still hot and crunchy. You might cut it in half if you think it is too big. Moreover, just like the original, serve it together with crunchy pickles. And when in New York, visiting Katz’s is a must!
Super-Rezept; werde ich ganz schnell ausprobieren. Pastrami gibt es z.Zt. als Aufschnitt bei Aldi.
Ja, danke für deine Idee. Und ja, probiere das Rezept aus….es wird dir schmecken.