Three juicy chicken breasts topped with a peanut butter crust on a bed of fresh lamb lettuce. Some peanuts, fresh chili peppers and lime wedges on a side.

Peanut butter crust chicken

I am happy to share this 15 minutes recipe with you today. This peanut butter crust chicken is one of the juiciest chickens I’ve ever had. The peanut butter with small chunks, fresh red chili peppers, grated garlic and tangy lime makes this dish one of my favourite chicken dishes and maybe it will be yours, too. It’s an excellent idea for a quick lunch or dinner and very easy to make.

I love when a dish comes so quick together and at the same time, it tastes delicious. Usually, I don’t eat peanut butter, ok maybe, once a year. And it is not because I don’t like it. Noooo. The problem is, I would probably eat it all, with a big spoon. You know what I’m talking about. Wink.

However, since I’ve seen Jamie Oliver making this chicken dish with simple five ingredients, I simply had to try it. Therefore I bought a small jar of peanut butter. And boy, the chicken dish was just like he said – quick, easy and delicious.

The combination of the ingredients used in this recipe is so simple and they pair wonderfully together. First of all, I used peanut butter with small chunks. That gives a lovely texture to the crust and apparently it has more fibre than the smooth peanut butter as well. You just have to love the crunch. Wink.

Garlic and chili peppers

Furthermore, fresh garlic is a must in this recipe. Well, anyway it’s always a must in my kitchen. Wink. Maybe it doesn’t sound like a great combo with peanut butter, but it is. Believe me. And since you are going to grate it, it will cook even quicker and you won’t bite into a raw piece of garlic.

Tangy lime zest and red hot chili pepper give a real kick to the peanut butter crust chicken. Serve it on some fresh salad and you have a winning dish.
Crunchy peanut butter, grated garlic, lime zest, lime juice and red hot chili peppers are the perfect combo.

Then, we have red hot chili peppers and the lime. The small red chili pepper adds the spicy kick, while the lime zest gives that tangy citrus favour (check out also this healthy lemon risotto) and the lime juice adds a sour yet fresh note. They simply make a fantastic combo.

Additionally, I decided on serving it with some green, so I picked lamb lettuce. I love it. It has a soft texture and a mild nutty flavour. However, some great grilled vegetables or any other salad would also pair perfectly with the peanut butter crust chicken. If you are looking for salad ideas, simply jump over these links: a light golden zucchini salad, a vibrant grilled pepper pea salad, a fruity asparagus strawberry salad or a lovely butterhead lettuce salad.

In conclusion, the quick tips to get a juicy yet golden brown chicken with a fantastic peanut butter crust are to score it, start with a cold pan and preheat the oven grill. Only three easy steps to follow. Since you’ll start with a pan and then you’ll finish your dish in the oven, you’ll need either an ovenproof pan or a simple baking dish to which you’ll transfer the chicken.

And, for more chicken dishes, I picked these for you: chicken mango walnut salad, a delicious seven-spice chicken, a stunning banana-turmeric chicken, an easy spinach and artichokes chicken thighs, a creamy almond butter chicken and the amazing chili lime chicken.

Ingredients for 3 portions of peanut butter crust chicken:

  • 3 chicken breasts (200 g each)
  • 2 Tbsp of olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • 2 limes (zest and juice)
  • 2 Tbsp of crunchy peanut butter
  • 3 garlic cloves (grated)
  • 1-2 red chili peppers (chopped)
  • 2 handfuls of lamb lettuce

To begin, score the chicken breast (top side) by making a criss-cross pattern. The cut should be around 1 cm deep but not completely through. Then, apply some olive oil on the chicken breasts, sprinkle with some salt and pepper and place them in a cold pan (criss-cross pattern side down). Turn on the heat and grate the zest of one lime over the chicken. Fry until golden brown and then flip over.

Meanwhile, turn on your oven grill, wash and drain the lamb lettuce and prepare the peanut butter mixture. In a small bowl, mix peanut butter, grated garlic and juice of one lime.

If the mixture is still too stiff, simply add a splash of water, in order to make it easier to spread. Once it’s well combined, add the chopped red chili pepper (it is up to you how much and with or without seeds) and give it one more stir.

Three chicken breasts with a grilled peanut butter crust, topped with lime zest and spicy red peppers.
Grilled peanut butter crust chicken, sprinkled with fresh lime zest and red hot chili peppers. Wow!

At this point, flip over the chicken and continue to fry it on the other side for around 3 more minutes. Then, spoon the peanut butter mixture on the scored side of the chicken and put in the oven (middle rack or 10-15 cm below the grill) for around 6 minutes or until a lovely crust forms. If you don’t have an ovenproof pan, transfer the chicken in a baking dish.

Finally, serve the peanut butter crust chicken on top of lettuce. For an even bigger flavour kick, grate some more lime zest, squeeze some lime juice and add more fresh chili pepper on top. This is a perfect dish for summer and a wonderful idea for lunch or dinner.



If you like the recipe, if you make the recipe or if you have any new ideas how to improve or change it, let me know in the comments section below or alternatively share your photos and reactions with me on Instagram (@Passionspoon), Facebook or Twitter (@PassionSpoon1). Simply use the hashtag #passionspoonrecipes in your posts. I would love to see them! (wink)

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