What do you think of when you hear the word spinach? Some think “oh iron”, others say “yuck” (yeah, I remember my brother spitting it all over a white wall, when he was little), but most of us think of this: “I’m Popeye the sailor man woo woo…” That’s the first thing that pops into my mind. Isn’t it funny how we associate things? He he he.
However, spinach is much more than Popeye’s secret, which makes you strong. This dark leaf plant is rich in vitamins (fat- and water-soluble), calcium, iron and antioxidants. Looking at it like that, it is a superfood after all.
In order to keep all of its nutrients, you shouldn’t cook it for too long. Speaking of which, it reminds me how my mum used to cook it for, let’s say a little too long and after that mix it with milk or cream or cream cheese. Of course, it was delicious, but not healthy at all. Well, maybe that was the reason I was a little bit of a chubby kid back then.

Therefore, if you choose to cook the spinach, I suggest to quickly sauteé or steam it. Spinach needs just a couple of minutes to be ready. When the leaves wilt, it is done. You can check these lovely recipes; egg cups, spinach in puff pastry, smoothie and cheese roll.
Have you ever wondered how to fit a whole bag of spinach in a pan? Looks always almost impossible, but then, after a couple of minutes steaming it, you are looking surprised where all the spinach went. Spinach magically shrinks like crazy.
Consequently, I added broccoli, a couple of tomatoes and some chickpeas as well. All nicely warm, steam, well seasoned and with some good olive oil. This is a delicious and quick meal, which will make you and your family happy.

Ingredients for two portions of spinach broccoli salad bowl:
- 250 g fresh spinach
- 200 g broccoli
- 200 g chickpeas
- 100 g cherry tomatoes
- salt
- olive oil
Start with washing the spinach thoroughly, in order to remove all the dirt and sand from the leaves. I usually soak it in a big bowl, swirl it two or three times and drain.
Wash the broccoli and tomatoes. Then trim the broccoli into florets and place them in a larger pan. At this point, add some hot water (about 100-200 ml) and add the spinach on top. Cover with the lid and bring to a light simmer.
Why did I add the water first? Simple, I didn’t want that it splashes all over from the spinach leaves. Maybe it will look impossible, but try to stick in only half of the spinach. Once it starts to wilt, add the rest. Cook for a couple of minutes.

After the spinach has half wilted, add the tomatoes and chickpeas. Cover, cook for another minute and then remove from the heat leaving it covered for a couple more minutes.
Just before serving it, sprinkle it with a good pinch of salt and drizzle with some olive oil. You might add some cheese or a slice of fresh bread. Make this healthy spinach broccoli salad bowl at any time of the day. It is so tasty and simple, you’ll want more and more.
If you like the recipe, if you make the recipe or if you have any new ideas how to improve or change it, let me know in the comments section below or alternatively share your photos and reactions with me on Instagram (@Passionspoon), Facebook or Twitter (@PassionSpoon1). Simply use the hashtag #passionspoonrecipes in your posts. I would love to see them! (wink)