Ingredients for 4 onion lovers:
- 4 big white (sweet) onions
- 4 slices of bacon or prosciutto (no meat eaters skip this step)
- 150 g cheese (cubes)
- 8 small or 4 medium potatoes
- olive oil
- salt and pepper
How to make it:
Start with the potatoes. Wash them and put to cook until tender. But do not overcook them. Check them with a fork. The next step (while you cook the potatoes) is scooping the onions. Prepare a bowl in which you’ll put the inside of the onions.
Cut off the bottom and the top of the onions. The bottom part is where the roots are. This slice should be thin so that everything still stays together. With a small knife make a cross at the top of the onion. With a spoon remove the inside so that you form an onion cup or bowl. But try to make the “walls” not too thin. Place the onions in a pan (bottom down), sprinkle them with some salt and pepper, add 1-2 cm of water around them and let it simmer for ca 6 minutes.
What to do with the rest of the onions? There are two options; to use it right away or to freeze it. Leaving it in the fridge it is not a good idea because the onion smell will contaminate every single thing in the fridge.
Preheat the oven to 200ºC. Put a baking paper on a baking tray. The potatoes and the onions should be ready by now. Place the potatoes and the onions on the tray. Make two cuts in each potato and sprinkle them with some olive oil. Now begin to fill the onion cup. First, put a slice of prosciutto in it and after that fill the onion with cheese cubes up to the top. Put the tray in the oven for 15-20 minutes. If you feel that it is burning just cover it with some aluminum foil.

You have 15 minutes to do the pesto. I did the spinach pesto. In a plastic container put garlic, fresh spinach, olive oil, walnuts, salt and blend until it gets smooth.
In conclusion, there is only one more thing left to do. Serve and eat the “onion cup”.