I have bought them because of the colour, but later on, I read that they are full of antioxidants, vitamins and proteins. These potatoes are harvested young, so they are small and have some kind of a weird shape, like a tube or ginger.
For 3-4 people you will need:
- 12 purple Peruvians
- 7 carrots
- 1 garlic bulb
- 3-4 small red onions
- salt and pepper
- 1 avocado
- lime
- 1 garlic clove
- olive oil
- 3-4 eggs

Take a piece of aluminium foil and fold it to shape a mini tray. In it place the cleaned onions cut in half and the garlic bulb (top cut off). Sprinkle them with salt and olive oil and put it in the oven for 30 minutes at 180ºC.
Wash the potatoes and put them to cook. I didn’t peel them because they were young anyway. Bring the water to boil and cook them for ca 6 minutes. Drain the water from the pot and put it aside.
Wash the carrots, cut them lengthwise in half and the halves again in half. Cover a baking tray with baking paper and cut the potatoes (lengthwise) in half. Together with the carrots place them on the tray (cut part up). Sprinkle everything with salt and pepper and olive oil. Put it in the oven for ca 20 minutes at 180ºC.

In the meantime prepare the “guacamole”. Put together the peeled avocado, garlic clove and a few drops of lime juice and mix them together in a blender until smooth. Place it in a plastic bag (that will be your piping bag) and put it in the fridge. Later on, you will just cut off the corner of the bag and pipe it on the potatoes.
At the end boil the eggs however you like them the most.
I served it on a white plate because the colours of these ingredients are just amazing. Purple, orange, white, yellow and green. Place some potatoes and carrots on a plate with half of an egg and pipe the “guacamole” on “the purple Peruvian” potatoes. You will love the contrast of the colours.