Marshmallow muffins

Marshmallow muffins

Marshmallow muffins are combined with a tender muffin and topped with cream cheese and mini marshmallows. As a result, you get some lovely sheep with white and pastel pink combo “wool”. They are a perfect treat for the holidays.

Easter is around the corner and the magazines are full of delicious recipes. I’ve noticed many cute and fun muffin recipes, so I decided to try making them myself. I decided on the marshmallow muffins. They are unbelievably cute and delicious.

The marshmallow muffins are not filled with marshmallows, here they are used as the topping. Imagine these muffins covered with cream cheese, mini marshmallows and a little touch of fondant. Sounds yummy, right? The result will not only be yummy but it will also look cute – like a sweet sheep. Simply perfect for Easter!

A quick tip; make and eat them on the same day. These marshmallow muffins taste best when fresh. And I can assure you, they will be gone in no time!

Ingredients for 6-8 marshmallow muffins:

  • 100 g butter
  • 100 g sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp of baking powder
  • 100 g flour
  • 1-2 limes (zest)

Ingredients for the toppings/decoration:

  • 200 g cream cheese
  • 200 g mini marshmallows (I bought white and pink ones)
  • 150 g white fondant
  • black cake decorating gel (a small 20g tube)
  • white cake decorating gel

Start by placing the muffin liner in the muffin tin and preheat the oven to 200ºC. In a large bowl mix the butter and sugar until fluffy. Then mix in the eggs. Furthermore, sift in the flour with the baking powder. Mix well to combine all the ingredients. But try not to over-mix it. At the end add some lime zest and give it a quick final stir.

Using a spoon, fill the muffin liners. Finished that, put them in the oven on the middle rack and bake them for 20 minutes. In case they start getting dark on top, quickly cover them with aluminium foil.

When the muffins are done, let them cool down for a couple of minutes. Then take them out of the tin and let them completely cool down. You want them cold when applying the cream cheese and marshmallows.

Marshmallow muffins.
Marshmallow muffins.

In the meantime, you can prepare the working space for the next step; the decoration. You’ll need a silicone mat, a knife or fondant tools, white fondant, cream cheese, mini marshmallows and the mini tubes of black and white decorating gel.

Mini marshmallows

Once the muffins are completely cool, spread the cream cheese evenly on the muffin top. Then start applying the mini marshmallows (alternating the colours). One pink, one white, one pink, one white and so on. Start at the bottom edge of the muffin top (making circles) and slowly go up until it is almost completely covered with marshmallows. Remember to leave an empty space (3x3cm) for the fondant.

Now comes the tricky and fun part. Here you will show your artistic skills. Hehehe. Take a small piece of fondant, enough to form a 2-2,5cm ball. Give the ball an oval shape and attach two small ears to the sides. All we need now is a face. At the bottom part of the face shape the mouth (with a knife or fondant tool) and above it make the nose (simply two holes).

Only at the end make the eyes, using first the white and on top of it the black gel. Leave to dry for about 5 minutes and then attach it to the muffin, where you left the empty space.

The Easter marshmallow muffins are done! Serve and eat them immediately!



If you like the recipe, if you make the recipe or if you have any new ideas how to improve or change it, let me know in the comments section below or alternatively share your photos and reactions with me on Instagram (@Passionspoon), Facebook or Twitter (@PassionSpoon1). Simply use the hashtag #passionspoonrecipes in your posts. I would love to see them! (wink)


  1. Gaby says:

    Die süßen Lämmchen sind viel zu schade, um gegessen zu werden. Die Idee: super! Die Zutaten: lecker! Die Aus-führung: perfekt!

    • says:

      Danke dir! Ich schätze die Worte sehr. Es ist wahr, es ist eine Schande, sie zu essen. Aber sie sind so einfach zu machen. Du kannst neue machen, nachdem du sie gegessen hast.

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