Vegetable ham soup.

Vegetable ham soup

It is time for a steamy vegetable ham soup again. I love soup. Especially in winter time, a nice comfort bowl of soup is always welcome. I put together some ingredients that I had at home and this delicious soup was created.

You will see that the ingredients are really random, but I can assure you that they go perfectly together in the soup. This recipe is a mix of flavours. It will remind you of Asian and Italian food, but together on one plate.

Ingredients for two portions of vegetable ham soup:

  • 500 ml vegetable stock
  • 100 ml soy sauce
  • 1 sweet potato
  • 1 spring onion
  • 50 g noodles (rice, ramen)
  • 1 red onion
  • 2-3 branches of cilantro
  • 1 lime
  • a piece of ginger (2-3 cm)
  • 4 dried tomatoes
  • 100 g smoked ham (whole piece)

Prepare 3 pots (two small, one medium) and a small frying pan. In order to make everything go smooth and quick, wash, chop and cut the ingredients. Wash the vegetables and peel the potato, ginger and onion. Furthermore, cut the potato into 2 cm cubes and chop the onions, ginger and dried tomatoes. Cut the smoked ham into cubes or strips.

Are you ready to cook now? Be ready to use all the pots and pans at the same time. In the medium pot pour the vegetable stock with ginger and soy sauce. Bring it to boil. The potato cubes go in one small pot, while the noodles go in the other. Cook the potatoes for about 4-5 minutes. Noodles will take about the same time. You might rinse the noodles before serving them. And the last but not the least put the ham cubes in the small pan and brown them slightly.

Time to put the ingredients together on the plate. Start by placing the potatoes, then the noodles followed by onions and dried tomatoes. Moreover, add the vegetable stock and top with smoked ham.

Serve the vegetable ham soup sprinkled with cilantro and half of a lime.
