Fluffy American pancakes filled with peach, cream and crispy bacon.

American bacon-peach pancakes

Next time you are making pancakes, try to make these American bacon-peach pancakes. I can guarantee, this combination will blow your mind. Holy moly! You will love these fluffy pancakes, sweet peaches, whipped cream and the surprise ingredient crispy bacon, for Sunday brunch and for a meal with your family and friends.

I like pancakes. However, I don’t make them so often. Hmmm. Not sure why. After making these American bacon-peach pancakes, they will be more often on my menu. Wink. I’ve seen a photo of this lovely recipe in Twitter posted by Kitchen Sanctuary. It looked simply amazing.

Therefore, I had to make them. How could I say no to pancakes?! As usual, I improvised a little and I used canned peaches instead of fresh ones and some lovely pink pepper instead of thyme. On one hand, I was wondering how will bacon and cream go together, on the other hand, I already knew that bacon makes everything better. Wink.

What is your reaction right now? Are you screaming “blaaahhhhh” or “wow”? Let me tell you, the saltiness of the bacon combined with the sweetness of the peach simply tastes amazing. Therefore, you have to try it and then let me know how it was.

Pancakes, crêpes and American pancakes

Since I was little, I knew only the classic pancakes. In other words, we only made the normally thin, but not too thin, pancakes. My mother had always spread some homemade marmalade on them and rolled them up. Delicious!

Then, I discovered crêpes and American pancakes. Do you know the difference between them? For instance, the first difference is the thickness of the batter, the second difference is that sometimes baking powder is used and the third difference is the thickness and the size of the pancake itself.

Moreover, going from the thinnest to the thickest, first we have crêpes, then the normal pancakes and last but not least the American pancakes. Also, there is another pancake, which is even fluffier than the American pancake. And that’s the Japanese pancake. Yes, it’s already on my to-do list.


Furthermore, I suggest using the grease-bake-wipe method when baking pancakes. In other words, grease the pan every time before baking a pancake and wipe it after every pancake. As a result, the butter won’t have a chance to turn dark and consequently, also the pancakes will have a lovely golden-brown colour. Also, since I decided on making smaller pancakes (ca 15 cm), I made two at a time in the same pan. If you have a larger pan, you can try to make three or four at the same time as well.

Lovely puffy and golden brown pancakes filled with sweet peaches, whipped cream and crispy bacon.
Look at these golden brown American pancakes!

Then, we have sweet peaches and crispy bacon. Yummy! The sweet caramelized peaches (you can use fresh peaches or the canned ones, depending on the season), especially when using only date syrup, get a lovely golden brown colour and a shiny layer. Of course, you can use also other fruits, like plums, apricots or cherries.

At this point, you’ll probably say: “Forget the peaches. What about bacon and whipped cream?” Believe me, it’s a weird yet amazing combination. In fact, every dish, also a dessert, can benefit from a little crispy and salty bacon.

Be careful not to whip for too long as you can get butter in no time. Also, make sure there is no onion or any other food with a strong smell in the fridge. The cream can quickly take that icky “aroma”.

Ingredients for 6-7 American bacon-peach pancakes:

  • 105 g flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 2 Tbsp sugar
  • vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt
  • 150 ml of milk
  • 1 egg
  • butter (for frying)
  • 3-4 peach halves (fresh or from a can)
  • date syrup
  • 4-5 bacon slices
  • 100 ml whipping cream
  • pink pepper

First of all, whip the cream. Once you reach soft peaks, place the bowl in the fridge. Then, prepare the fluffy American pancakes. In a larger bowl, sift the flour and baking powder, add the sugar, vanilla extract, a pinch of salt, milk and a whole egg.

In order to get a really smooth batter, I used the hand mixer. However, you can mix it with a whisk as well. The important thing is, there are no flour clumps.

Furthermore, preheat a larger non-sticking frying pan and grease it with a little bit of butter. In fact, the best way is greasing before baking a pancake and to wipe off after each pancake is made. Once the pan is hot, add two big spoons (on the opposite sides of the pan) of the pancake batter and make two pancakes.

Making two pancakes at the same time

Yes, you are making two pancakes at once. Of course, if your pan is large enough, you can also make three or more pancakes at the same time. When you add them into the pan, try to make them round (use the back of the spoon). Once you see small bubbles forming on top of the pancake, it is time to flip them over.

Fluffy American pancakes folded as a taco and filled with peaches, cream and bacon.
They are thick, they are fluffy and they are stuffed with peach, cream and bacon!

After 1 minute or when golden-brown, take the pancakes out of the pan. You want to keep them warm. Therefore, place them in the oven (preheated at 30º C, maybe covered with alu foil) and keep them there until you prepare everything. Then, wipe the pan with a paper towel, grease with butter again and bake two more pancakes. Continue until you finish all of the batter.

Caramelize the peaches with date syrup

Now, using the same pan, which you used for pancakes, prepare the peaches and later the bacon. Quickly wipe the pan, then add the peaches cut into wedges, drizzle some date syrup and cook for a couple of minutes until they get a lovely caramelized colour. Yummy!

Finally, you can prepare the bacon. First, remove the peaches from the pan, put them in a cup and place them in the oven, in order to keep them warm. Again, quickly wipe the pan and lay in the bacon slices.

Once the bacon starts to curl up, flip the slices over and let them get crispy. Then, transfer the bacon slices onto some paper towels. This will help to catch all of the grease.

American pancakes with peaches and cream. But also with crispy bacon and pink pepper.
Surprise! Today’s topping is crispy bacon.

Are you ready to build the American bacon-peach pancakes? For example, you can fold the pancakes in a taco shape or leave them flat. It is completely up to you. Furthermore, place a couple of peach wedges on each pancake, add some whipped cream and top with salty and crispy bacon.

Invite your family and friends for some pancakes and surprise them with this unexpected version. In addition, for even more flavour, sprinkle the American bacon-peach pancakes with some pink pepper.



If you like the recipe, if you make the recipe or if you have any new ideas how to improve or change it, let me know in the comments section below or alternatively share your photos and reactions with me on Instagram (@Passionspoon), Facebook or Twitter (@PassionSpoon1). Simply use the hashtag #passionspoonrecipes in your posts. I would love to see them! (wink)

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